Welcome. I am honored you are considering me to guide you on Your Life ReImagined. My goal is to help you make better decisions about your path. Your first step begins with you learning about me.
I am a nationally respected career and life transition coach. I have focused on lifestyle marketing, executive mentoring, and organizational management for over 30 years. I am equally known as a catalyst for reinvention, particularly in a world of hyper-change, adroitly addressing the “new normal” of challenges and expectations you face daily in your professional and personal responsibilities.
To deliver the substantive results you are seeking, my collaborative process brings heightened understanding and awareness of your experience, knowledge, leadership, communication, and talents which leads you to an in-depth approach to your work/ life balance.
And if your life and/or career confronts a major transition, a facilitated sabbatical would take place over an extended length of time, away from your daily distractions with a mutually agreed upon agenda and series of in-depth coaching. Your sabbatical will take place on the mystical Monterey Peninsula, which has a heritage of explorers searching for new meaning.
Ocean mists, the feel of salt air on your skin and the fragrance of Monterey Pine will fill your senses and allow you to forget your personal and professional demands as you explore re-imagining your future. Its promise of safety and serenity coupled with my guidance will allow you to scrutinize unexamined and under-performing areas of your life’s purpose, as well as forgotten dreams, leading to profound discoveries which prompt life changes.
More impactful than anything I could say are my client’s testimonies. My hope is they will speak to you. Please click here for their words.
“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
Let’s discover the path you were created for.
If so, contact me for an exploratory call:
Raymond Davi
Transition & Strategic Coaching
Davi’s clients represent individuals and organizations in the diverse disciplines of art, retail, design, communications, marketing, and publishing, in both the corporate and entrepreneurial arenas. He interfaces with a broad spectrum of professionals ranging from CEO’s, management teams, executive committees to authors, architects, artists, and non-profits.
Corporate clients have included Limited Brands, The Giorgio Armani Corporation, Oxford Industries, Nike, Esprit, The Ford Motor Company, among others. Additionally, he has co-lead workshops on following an individual’s personal and career passion at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. He has been a volunteer, advisor and/or board member to such organizations as Friends of Carmel Forest, Big Sur Arts Initiative, and New Camaldoli Hermitage. He also served as Development Director, Leadership Models, and Programs for Commerce and Society, at Center for Changing Systems, a former Northern California non-profit organization that specialized in an Open Systems communication model.